
I'm a little cookie, yes i am and i was made by the cookie man and on my way from the cookie pan. a little piece broke off of me but i can taste just as good, uh-huh as a regular cookie can.

// Friday 19 June 2015
hi everyone ! 
its been a very longgggggg time no see hah ?! hahaha 
hah terasa nak share a very sad story *i just want to share my sad life journey lol
apa yang sad sangat ? ok back to a few months ago , i wrote about my skincare , and about 3 weeks after that , i got a very bad breakout *almost kerai bcs of my pimple/acne .
and finally i jumpa how to cure it *i got jerawat nasi/batu on my both cheeks 
susahnya alahai nak hilang jerawat ni . memang jujur malu la nak jumpa orang dengan jerawat yang berlambak dekat pipi ni . almost spend about RM200 only for acne medicine . beli ubat yang paling mahal and end up pakai 2 kali sebab my face dah takleh nak terima that medicine *mengada !
everyone dah tegur "eh , kenapa muka naik jerawat ni?""eh muka kau makin teruk la" and i was liked "yeah i got life problem" fyi life problem is the main cause of my breakout ! so ni macam what thing yang i pakai about 4 month ni 
  1. first my cetaphil habis and it quite expensive tho and guardian/watson cepat habis stock . so i pakai la garnier *eh betul ke eja tu ? hahaha . memang ok tapi alaa macam korang basuh badan korang pakai sabun . cuci muka tu more like CUCI MUKA KORANG *i hope you know what i mean . almost 2 months wear it . and then i pakai nexoderm . its burn my face not my pimples lol . but its kinda good tho . highly recommend act . for me i need to moving on from wear that thing sebab macam dah tak jadi apa heh . pipi makin naik jerawat merah and nanah . euwwwwww grossssss .
  2. after that , im using rosa t garden of ellen ? mende tah . memula memang tak terdetik langsung nak pakai sebab tengah cari cetaphil *nak sambung pakai balik la en . and guardian memang tak letak langsung stock for cetaphil gentle cleanse erghhhhh . before beli tu ada la search some review tentang cuci muka ni tapi heh tak ramai buat review ni and cuba berani kan diri la pakai *my face ni sensitive dengan cuci muka murah no joke . harga dia RM13 murah dari cetaphil and i pakai about 1 month then habis . membazir betul . tak recommend sangat . tapi cuci muka ni in scale 1 to 10 i bagi 4/10 . also use this with nexoderm and i pakai my organic toner terenenene apple cider vinegar ! pipi masa tu pasang surut la jerawat batu . dah elok esok naik balik lepastu elok lepastu tinggal bekas .
  3. so memang frust sangat sebab tengok muka kekawan semua licin eh , then bila tangkap gambar mesti ada bintik bintik dekat pipi heh . lepastu tengok gambar lelama , macam wow seriously ni pipi aku ???? and my mom suruh pakai krim kunyit from tia amelia sebab my mom pakai tu . was-was sangat nak pakai sebab muka ni takleh produk yang datang dari kedai jamu ni . before beli tu memang baca some review la en , since ramai cakap krim dia ok / ko but mostly ok i pakai la cuba nasib . and yeah memang berkesan la gak . masatu ada la jerawat dekat tepi mata ni memang besar and bernanah *nasib baik masatu cuti . i declared 3 hari tak pakai any makeup bila keluar sebab takut la lagi effect jerawat tu en . and dalam masa 3 hari tu memang jerawat tu hilang like wow ! oh yeah cuci muka masatu pakai cetaphil *cetaphil kakak hahaha .
  4. and now my face currently nak bersih balik , and putih sikit la *my makcik cakap muka makin gelap heh . now pakai sebamed soap as my cleanse , apple cider vinegar as toner and tia amelia as my acne medicine . and sebamed tu pakai sebab terbaca satu entry , she said she use about 2 years and it give a very nice respond to her face . act nak beli rosa t sebab tak cukup bajet tapi beli la sebamed first sebab review tu , second sebab murah , third sebab memang nak cuba hahaha . highly recommend too for sebamed soap or foam . 
my mom cakap jangan pakai banyak sangat produk tapi sekarang ni memang tengah cari which product suit me well . hehehe , and alhamdulillah la boleh la stick dengan current skincare products ni . ok tu je . huhuhu ouhh before lupa , ni macam my life about to cure and prevent acne je bukan cara "hilangkan acne selamanya" haha